Specialty areas
About what we do
ChildD dietitians work closely with many Immunologists / allergists, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, paediatricians, general practitioners and other allied health professionals in South East Queensland to ensure the optimal outcomes for families.

One in ten babies under 12 months of age have IgE-mediated food allergies. Symptoms occur rapidly and include redness, itch, hives, facial swelling, abdominal pain, vomiting, and sometimes anaphylaxis.
Other babies and young children have non-IgE mediated allergies. These symptoms are gastrointestinal in nature, such as loose, frequent stools, sometimes with blood and/or mucous, poor growth, food refusal, constipation, reflux, vomiting, and eczema.
ChildD dietitians will support you and your child whilst navigating food allergies. Specifically, you will be provided with an individualised plan which includes:
- Foods to avoid and degree of avoidance
- Appropriate substitutes
- Suggested nutritional intake to support optimal growth and development
- Development and maintenance of feeding skills
- Suggestions for family meals
Caring for a child with a disability can often feel overwhelming. We understand this, and our Dietitians have the skills and experience to provide appropriate and individualised support for your child. ChildD recognises that no two children are the same and no two families are the same. But we know we can help your child grow and meet their potential through better nutrition.
We work one-on-one with families and children that have a variety of diagnosed conditions, such as
- Cerebral Palsy
- Sensory Processing Disorder
- Fragile X Syndrome
- Intellectual disabilities
- Language disorders
Children with these conditions can find it difficult to eat a wide range of foods or textures. Or they may struggle with their weight. We help improve your child’s diet and overall health and work alongside your Speech Therapist and/or Occupational Therapist to do this.
For children who live with life-limiting conditions, we pride ourselves on creating a nurturing, calm environment that offers solutions that consider your child’s stage of life and needs. COVID has meant we offer Telehealth in preference to home-visits for these children to help you and your family continue to shield.
We are registered with NDIS to see clients who are plan or self-managed. For those without NDIS plans, we also accept Team Care Arrangements from GPs.
Constipation, abdominal pain, nausea, bloating, and diarrhoea can be common in babies and young children. This can cause weight loss, food refusal, nutrient deficiencies, slow growth, or disrupted sleep. ChildD dietitians have a wealth of experience in assisting families address these issues.
ChildD dietitians are experienced in helping you feel confident to manage specific diets such as low FODMAP, fibre modification, and Coeliac disease.
Some children struggle to eat enough food to grow adequately. This can be complicated by other physical or medical factors. ChildD dietitians can help to ensure that your child is meeting their requirements to gain weight and thrive.
We use real food to do this as much as possible.
Fussy eating is common in children, particularly in toddlers and pre-school children.
Some children need more assistance to learn the complex process of learning how to enjoy and eat a range of foods.
ChildD can help you to feel confident in helping your child enjoy family meals.
For children who rely on tube feeding for complete nutrition, some families like to explore how family meals can be incorporated into their day. ChildD dietitians can assist families in doing this in a safe and achievable way.
Managing weight in a growing child can be overwhelming and confusing but consulting with an expert in paediatric weight management is the 1st step towards success.
We recommend you discuss with your GP to have a Team Care Arrangement (or Chronic Disease Management Plan) to assist in more regular catch ups. Monthly check ins have been shown to be the most effective way to assist in weight control.
ChildD dietitians work with child care centres to review menus and assist them to meet the best practice guidelines for anaphylaxis prevention and management.
Menu review involves developing a nutritious and balanced 4-week menu for children aged 1 - 5 years that based on the Australian Dietary Guidelines. Recipes are often adapted to meet guidelines and we can also perform a detailed nutritional analysis if requested.
We work to ensure that allergens are managed and all recipes and menus are nut free and alternatives are suggested when allergens such as cow's milk and egg need to be excluded.